International Conference for Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing 2022
January 24 - 25, 2022 - virtual

Thank you
We would like to thank all participants, speakers and YSA applicants of the 10th edition of the International Conference for Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing 2022.
The first fully virtual conference was a great success thanks to you, with a record of 90 participants from 24 countries.
The dates of the next conference will be announced soon.
In order to receive regular updates about the International Conference for Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing please write an email to We will be happy to include you in the newsletter distribution list.
In 2022, LUM GmbH hosts the next, now traditional International Conference for Dispersion Analysis & Materials Testing. For the first time, the conference will be held exclusively online.
The conference organizer invites all world-wide LUM instrument users to learn strategies and results from scientific and industrial experts using LUMiReader PSA & LUMiReader X-Ray, LUMiFuge, LUMiSizer, LUMiSpoc, LUMiFrac (for composite materials) and LUMiFlector.
Confirmed Speakers and Talks:
Dr. Jörg Schuhmacher
Schott AG, Germany
Title: Selection of Optimum Multi-Component Solvent Mixtures for Particle-based Wet Chemical Coating Solutions in Industrial Applications
Dr.-Ing. Marco Gleiß
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Title: Integration of sedimentation analysis into the numerical simulation for designing and scale-up of solid-liquid separation units
Dr. Horst Purwin
Title: LUMiReader X-Ray Based Investigations of TiO2 Products
Sven Uwe Böhm
Title: LUMiSizer Based HSP Investigation of TiO2 Pigments
Prof. Dr. Timothy Hunter
University of Leeds, UK
Title: Validated simulations of bidisperse colloidal sedimentation
Paola Cardenas, M. Sc.
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Institute of Particle Technology (LFG), Germany
Title: Multidimensional characterization of noble metal alloy nanoparticles
Yuwen Meng,
University of Le Mans, IMMM, France
Title: The effect of xanthan on the stability and morphology of water in water emulsions
Amin Said Amin, M. Sc.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Particle Science and Technology (IVG-PST), Germany
Title: Systematic Study of the Stability of Vulcan XC72R in Different Organic Solvents Using Analytical Centrifugation and the Hansen Solubility/Dispersibility Parameters
Osama Anwar, M. Sc.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Particle Science and Technology (IVG-PST), Germany
Title: Hansen parameters for directed photocatalyst design: Using particle size distributions for probe liquid classification
Here you find the conference programme.
Conference topics include:
Particle & Surface Characterization
- Particle size distribution of nano- and microparticles / Hansen Dispersibility Parameter/Hansen Solubility Parameter / Particle density distribution / Particle surface characterization
Real-time & Accelerated Stability
- Direct accelerated stability testing of dispersions / Real-time separation in emulsions and suspensions / Comparative and predictive shelf life for dispersions (ISO/TR 13097) / Stability testing of cosmetic products (ISO/TR 18811)
Materials Testing
- Tensile testing / Shear testing / Characterization of coatings / Characterization of composite materials / Mechanical strength
- Separation of particles in industrial processes / Characterization of dispersibility and filterability / Shear and compressive yield stress / Up- and downstream processing
Scientific Committee Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. D. Lerche, LUM GmbH
CALL for new papers is closed for 2022.
Presenting authors are in touch with the conference team.
LUM invites all to submit your topic for the next conference and always to submit your scientific work also for publication as an article in Dispersion Letters.
Application acceptance period is closed.
We proudly announce the nominees for the YSA 2022:
Lia Beraldo da Silveira Balestrin, PhD
Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS), Brazil
Title: LUMiSizer: an important tool in asphaltene inhibition studies
Dr.-Ing. Charlotte Capitain
Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: Measuring the competition between adhesion and cohesion for the development of a novel mussel mimicking adhesive containing a chitosan backbone
Dr. David Hespeler
Bayer AG, Germany
Title: Prediction of physical suspension stability in product development for shorter time-to-market
Inga-Malena Meyenborg, , M. Sc.
Fraunhofer IFAM Bremen, University of Bremen, Germany
Title: A rapid testing method for fatigue in metal additive manufacturing
Ana Beatriz Dilena Spadoni, M. Sc.
Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal, Brazil
Title: Interaction and stability in spray mixtures of fungicide and adjuvants with insecticides
Please note that registration closed on January 17, 2022, 11:59 pm (UTC+1).
We are looking forward to welcome you to the next LIVE conference in 2023/2024 in Berlin.
For further information please get in touch with our event team.
Participants of the 2022 conference can log in to see the authors' released presentations of the conference here.
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